Treatments and Techniques

Knee On Trac

Dr. Jarembek is currently the only practitioner in the Scottsdale/Phoenix area that utilizes the Knee on Trac

Knee On Trac help those who suffer from:

1) Chronic Knee Pain
2) Sprains/strains older than 6 weeks
3) Knee joint Osteoarthritis/Degeneration
4) ACL Injuries
5) Meniscus Tear (Simple & Complex)
6) Failed Knee Surgery
7) Osteochondritis Dessicans
8) Lateral collateral tear
9) Medial collateral tear
10) Scar Tissue build up after 1 yr post knee replacement

The Knee On Trac is a non-invasive knee pain therapy that offers a revolutionary solution for those that live with every day knee pain. This device isolates the knee for safe and effective traction to decrease pain. Studies show that mechanical traction was more effective in decreasing pain and improving quality of life than using conventional methods alone.

What kind of results can I expect?

  1. Reduction of pain
  2. Decreases inflammation
  3. Speeds up healing process
  4. Increased joint mobility
  5. Increased joint function
  6. Re-hydration of the joint
  7. Enhanced cartilage repair

Popular Programs

Active Release



MLS Laser Therapy

Knee on Trac

Moving your forward

What Can I Expect During a Treatment?


A typical session is about 10 minutes depending on the patient’s condition and need. You will be seated, with your leg positioned at a comfortable angle. A strap is used over the upper thigh and an inflatable cuff is used just below the knee to secure the leg. Our therapist will then program the Knee on Trac equipment with the appropriate settings depending on your condition. You will feel a gentle separation of the knee joint. MLS Laser therapy will be provided afterwards which will decrease inflammation, allow re-hydration of the joint and tissue and speed the healing process by repairing damaged tissue and rebuilding of cartilage.


What Can I Expect After the Treatment?


Most patients see positive results in the first few treatments. Your treatment will often be combined with other therapies designed to produce the fastest and most complete recovery possible for your individual condition. Total number of treatments recommended will depend on the severity of your condition along with your personal treatment goals


What Are the Side Effects?


Some patients experience some mild soreness after the first few treatments if the degeneration in the knee joint is very advanced or lots of scar tissue is present.


Vaishali Jagtap MPT, S. Shanmugam MPT, Effect of Mechanical Traction in Osteoarthritis Knee. International Journal of Science and Research. October 2014; International Journal of Science and Research. Volume 3 Issue 10: pg 440-443
Tiku M.L., Sabaawy H.E. Cartilage regeneration for treatment of osteoarthritis: a paradigm for nonsurgical intervention. Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease. 2015;7(3):76-87. doi: 10.1177/1759720X15576866.
Van Valburg A.A., Van Roermund P.M., Marijnissen A.C.A., Wenting M.J.G., Verbout A.J., Lafeber F.P.J.G., Bijlsma J.W.J. Joint distraction in treatment of osteoarthritis (II): Effects on cartilage in a canine model. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2000; 8 (1) , pp. 1-8.
Meghana R Pandya, Megha S Sheth. Effect of mechanical traction on pain and function in subjects with osteoarthritis knee. International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, 2017, Vol 5 (4): 2198-02


moving you forward



Clinic Hours

9 AM - 12:30 PM, 2 PM - 5:30 PM

9 AM - 12:30 PM

Wednesday & Thursday
9 AM - 12:30 PM, 2 PM - 5:30 PM

9 AM - 12:30 PM


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